A/B Testing for E-Commerce Fashion Brand

Gems of Insight: Optimizing Ads for ChicBeads

Link to project repository on GitHub

Project Background

ChicBeads, the sisterstore to a popular clothing store, is a company in the E-commerce fashion industry that sells beaded bracelets for $5.00 (USD) via an online platform.

This project analyzes and sythesizes data to uncover insights into the effectiveness of the companys new marketing campaign compared to its traditional one.
Insights and recommendations are provided in the following key areas: An interactive Tableau dashboard can be found here
The Python code used to clean, organize and prepare data can be found at the top of this Python notebook
The Python code used to visualize and explore the data can be found in the same Python notebook
The Python code used to perform statistical tests can be found in the same Python notebook

Data Structure

The main database for the analysis consists two tables: TestCampaign and ControlCampaign. They hold the same sales information for each respective campaign.

Chic Beads ERD

The database can be accessed here: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/amirmotefaker/ab-testing-dataset

Executive Summary

Below is the overview section of the interactive dashboard and there are more examples from this and the Python notebook throughout the report. The Tableau dashboaard can be found here and the Python notebook can be found here.

Chic Beads

Number of Purchases Engagement & Conversion: Cost Efficiency Audience Reach:

Detailed Summary of Findings

From Visualizations

Mann-Whitney U Test/ Two-Sample T-Test

Pairwise Tests

Additional Performance Indicators


Recommendations For Company

Recommended Next Analysis Steps

Conclusion: The Test Campaign shows promise for driving higher engagement, but ongoing testing and optimization are essential to balance cost efficiency and conversion outcomes.

Project Structure

This project has two parts: