A/B Testing for E-Commerce Fashion Brand

Gems of Insight: Optimizing Ads for ChicBeads

Link to project repository on GitHub

To practice skills in A/B testing, I utilized a dataset designed for this purpose and created a fictional backstory for the company I will analyze.


ChicBeads, a sister store to a popular online fashion retailer known for its trendy and affordable clothing, specializes in creating colorful beaded jewelry that complements many of the outfits sold at its sister store. Each accessory is sold for $5.00 (USD). The company has been performing well but decided to optimize its advertising strategies to boost online sales. To achieve this, they launched an A/B testing campaign to identify the most effective ways to reach and convert their target audience.
Campaign Details: Hypothesis: The Test Campaign will lead to a higher number of purchases compared to the Control Campaign due to different marketing strategies.
Goal: Increase the number of purchases through the Test Campaign compared to the Control Campaign.
Primary Objective: Determine if there is a significant difference in the number of purchases between different campaigns.
Secondary Objectives: Assess the impact of the campaigns on other metrics such as Website Clicks, Reach, and Add to Cart.

This project has two parts:

Summary of Findings

From Visualizations

Mann-Whitney U Test/ Two-Sample T-Test

Pairwise Tests

Additional Performance Indicators


Recommendations For Company

Recommended Next Analysis Steps

Database Information

Database: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/amirmotefaker/ab-testing-dataset