Analyzing Book Sales

Insights into Author Popularity and Trends

Link to project repository on GitHub

This project is inspired by my love of reading. I wanted to explore a database of book sales information, with a particular focus on books released after the year 2000. More specifically, I was curious about author information (I wanted to see how my favourite authors are doing). I aimed to get insights about an authors popularity, general rating, and sales trends. I used excel to perform a general cleaning of the database and then developed an interactive dashboard to present my findings.

Metrics and Dimensions

Author Dashboard If you wish to take a closer look at the excel file and use the dashboard, you can download the .xlsx file here.

Summary of Findings

Note: You can analyze any author in the list but here is the summary for the author Stephen King

Average Book Rating

Units Sold

Gross Sales

Publisher Revenue


Recommended Next Steps

Database Information

Each row represents an instance of a particular book with the following information: