Cat Sofa Customer Review Analysis

Customer Reviews and Ratings Analysis + Visualization

Link to project repository on GitHub

Cat sofa

I am always looking for ways to spoil my cats. While browsing on Amazon I came across this super cool cat couch.
For this project I gathered the data on the customer reviews. Once I have cleaned the data I will create a simple dashboard to display the informtation.

There are three parts to my project (and a bonus part):
  1. Web scraping (Python)
    In python I used BeautifulSoup and Selenium to login to Amazon, parse through the review pages and collect the revivew information. I also added a sentiment column based on the review text.

  2. Data cleaning (Excel) (Link takes you to cleaned dataset)
    I cleaned the dataset from Part 1 in Excel and it now has the following information:
    • Reviewer Name: The username of the person leaving the review
    • Title: The title of the review
    • Colour Name: The colour the cat couch was purchased in
    • Rating: The rating given by the reviewer (out of 5 stars)
    • Review Location: The country where the reviewer is located
    • Review Date: Date the review was posted (yyyy-mm-dd)
    • Review Text: The text description of the review
    • Sentiment: The sentiment of the review text
    This dataset can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you're interested in natural language processing, sentiment analysis, product recommendations, or market research, this dataset can be a valuable resource.

  3. Data Visualization (Tableau)
    I have created a simple dashboard in Tableau.

    Cat Couch Dashboard

  4. Bonus Part: Simple EDA on Text Sentiment (R)
    Simple EDA on text and sentiment. This is similar to my EDA from my UFO project.
The reason there is a fourth bonus part is because I wanted to practice my skills in R and with sentiment analysis. So I did a simple EDA and data visualization on the review text.

Summary of Findings



Number of Reviews


Recommended Next Steps

My Cats

For those who are interested, here are photos of my cats who inspired this project. Their names are Chevy and Bunny and they are sisters. They are very nosy, and they love belly rubs.

Photos of my cats Chevy and Bunny