Gordon Ramsay AI Tutor (RamsayGPT)

Have a World Famous Chef Help You Study Coding!

Link to project repository on GitHub

This chatbot uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model to generate responses along with prompt-engineering.
Note: you will need an API key to to able to run these files. You can get one here

How the Tutor Works

You will be asked about what topic you would like to learn. Once you have chosen a topic, Chef Ramsay can teach you about it in one of three ways:

  1. Variation of TOPIC, where RamsayGPT will give you different variations of the topic which will help you study the differences between them
  2. Game to learn TOPIC, where RamsayGPT will create a game to help you learn the topic
  3. Explain TOPIC, where RamsayGPT will give an explanation of the topic

Feel free to choose the option that best fits your personal learning style! But be careful, RamsayGPT gets impatient if you don't answer the prompts correctly :(

Try Out the Tutor

I have created three versions:

  1. App: I used a streamlit template to create an app that is hosted online so you do not have to download and run the code yourself. You can just try the app version
  2. Basic: This is just the plain code in a Python environment
  3. Medium: This is similar logic code to basic but I have used the python panel library to make an interactive chat window

App Version

Note that I used a template for this from Streamlit Share. This is not my code. I included this so that users could see how the AI Tutor behaves, even if they do not wish to download files and run it on their machine.

Open in Streamlit

How to Run the Basic Version

Here is a screenshot of what it will look like:

Basic Version

How to Run the Medium Version

Here is a screenshot of what it will look like:

Basic Version


The premise of this project was inspired by a video from the youtube channel TinaHuang1. I only used her outline for the context prompt found here, the rest of it I learned through google and the OpenAI website.