Exploratory Data Analysis Projects
Uncovering Hidden Patterns through Data Exploration
EDA in Python
A/B Testing for Chic Beads
In order to understand the data I used histograms and KDE plots to understand distributions of numerical columns, correlation heatmaps, boxplots to visualize distributions and outliers, and performed statistical tests to (Mann-Whitney U Test/Two-Sample T-Test, Pairwise Tests) to ensure statistical significance and test hypothesis.
- UFO Sightings Exploration
I explored factors like time, location, and human emotion in Python to gain insights on where you are most likely to see a UFO and UFO sighting attitudes. This included heatmaps, histograms,wordclouds, pie charts, KDE plots, line charts, violin plots, and many more.
- Cat Couch Customer Review Analysis
After collecting data from Amazon, and cleaning in Excel, I conducted a simple EDA on the sentimetns extracted from the customer review comments.
EDA For Machine Learning
House Price Predictor
Before creating my machine learning model I performed a small EDA to understand the data better and understand correlations between features. This included correlation heatmaps, histograms, and performing various data manipulations in Python.
Bank Customer Churn Predictor
Before creating my machine learning model I performed a small EDA to understand the data better and understand correlations between features. This included correlation heatmaps, histograms, KDE plots, pie charts, and performing various data manipulations in Python.
Discover which ad campaign truly shines in boosting jewelry sales! (Python, Tableau)
Web scraping amazon reviews to find out how customers feel about a comfy cat couch!
(Python, Excel, Tableau, R)
Don't let them slip away! Find out how machine learning can predict customer churn (Python)
Machine learning meets real estate! Come unlock the future of home values (Python)
Are aliens really among us? Find answers to questions about extraterrestrial visits to Earth
(SQL, Python)
Get In Touch!
I can be reached at your convience via email. I hope to hear from you :)