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Excel Projects

View projects where I cleaned, visualized, and analyzed data in Excel to create insightful dashboards and explore key metrics


Sales/Marketing Projects

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SQL Projects

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List of All Projects

Analyzing Patterns and Trends in UFO Sightings | R
(Selected by professor as demonstration model for future students)
Data-driven project: Cleaned and analyzed UFO sightings database, focusing on geographical and temporal patterns, and performing sentiment analysis on witness comments. Involved data wrangling, text mining, and statistical analysis techniques. Created visualizations to illustrate trends and potential correlations.

Service Reservation Application Development | Java
Software development project: Developed a service reservation application for a startup. Generated and implemented Java code, and conducted model-based evolution to include new features.

Bobcat Population Dynamics and Conservation Strategies | R
Modelling and prediction project: Developed mathematical models to analyze and predict bobcat population dynamics and the effectiveness of proposed conservation strategies. Conducted simulations on best and worst-case long-term populations based on hunting interventions and population growth.

Rat in a Maze Algorithm Implementation | Java
Algorithm development project: Implemented a backtracking algorithm to solve the "Rat in a Maze" problem in a 2D grid. Documented the code with detailed explanations, instructive comments, and adhered to good programming practices. Conducted several test runs on various input data to validate the algorithm's effectiveness.

UFO Sightings Exploration | SQL, Python
EDA and visualization project: Revisited previous UFO project. Cleaned and analyzed UFO sightings database using SQL and Python. Focused on temporal, geographical, and sentiment analysis, including text and emotion analysis. Employed K-means clustering and Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) to identify patterns and trends.
UFO project link

Book Sales Analysis and Author Insights | Excel
Data analysis project: Explored a book sales database. Cleaned data using Excel and created an interactive dashboard to analyze author popularity, ratings, and sales trends. The project highlighted key insights such as sales performance and rating distributions.
Book Sales project link

Scooby Doo Project | SQL, Tableau
Data analysis project: Cleaned data using SQL and created an interactive dashboard to analyze the popularity of "Scooby Doo Where Are You?" episodes. The dashboard provides insights into episode popularity, IMDB scores, networks, monsters, settings, and guest stars. Users can explore questions such as favorite guest stars, popular episode settings, and top monsters, to understand viewer preferences.
Scooby Doo project link

Cat Sofa Customer Review Analysis | Python, Excel, Tableau, R
Data collection and visualization project: Collected and analyzed customer reviews of a cat couch from Amazon using web scraping with BeautifulSoup and Selenium in Python. Cleaned the dataset in Excel. Created a Tableau dashboard to visualize the data. Additionally, performed a simple Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and sentiment analysis on the review text using R.
Cat Sofa project link

Analyzing Road Collision Data | Excel
Data analysis project: Analyzed road accident data in the UK from 2019 to 2022 to identify patterns and trends in road accidents. Focused on various dimensions like accident severity, vehicle type, road type, light conditions, and road conditions. Created an interactive dashboard to present the findings.
Road Collision project link

Netflix Subscription Analysis | SQL, Tableau
Market analysis project: Examined Netflix subscription data to understand market behaviour, predict future trends, and identify consumer preferences. Focused on metrics such as total subscriptions, plan type, country, and device used. Created an interactive dashboard to visualize the findings.
Netflix project link

AI Tutor Chatbot | Python
Generative AI Project: Used OpenAI's GPT-4 model to create an AI tutor with the likeness of Gordon Ramsey. I did this through prompt-engineering, OpenAI API, and Python.
AI Tutor project link

A/B Testing for E-Commerce Fashion Brand | Python, Tableau
Campaign Analysis Project: Analyzed the impact of two marketing campaigns (Control and Test) for an e-commerce fashion brand. Created visualizations to interpret the data and evaluated performance metrics such as ROI, CTR, and conversion rates to determine the most effective advertising strategy. Conducted statistical tests (Mann-Whitney U Test/Two-Sample T-Test, Pairwise Tests) to ensure statistical significance and test hypothesis.
A/B Testing project link

House Price Predictor | Python
Machine Learning Project: Developed 3 predictive models to accurately predict house prices based on various features such as quality, size, and location, utilizing Random Forest and XGBoost.
House Price Predictor project link

Titanic Survival Prediction | Python
Machine Learning Project: Developed 5 predictive models to determine the survival likelihood of Titanic passengers using Python. Leveraged techniques such as feature engineering, data preprocessing, and model optimization to improve accuracy. Utilized models like Random Forest and Logistic Regression, with a focus on feature importance and model interpretability. Evaluated the model's performance using cross-validation and created visualizations to present the results.
Titanic Survival Predictor project link

Bank Customer Churn Prediction | Python
Machine Learning Project: Developed predictive models to identify bank customers at risk of churning. Conducted exploratory data analysis (EDA) and applied feature engineering techniques. Built and evaluated multiple classifiers, including Random Forest and XGBoost, performed feature importance analysis, and optimized models to refine predictions and provide actionable insights for customer retention strategies.
Customer Churn Predictor project link

All Project Webpages


Analyzing Book Sales

Curious to know more about your favourite authors? Try my interactive dashboard! (Excel)


Netflix Subscription Analysis

Exploring Netflix subscription trends between 2021-2023. Grab some popcorn and check out my interactive dashboard!
(SQL, Tableau)


House Price Predictor

Machine learning meets real estate! Come unlock the future of home values (Python)

UFO looking building

UFO Sightings Exploration

Are aliens really among us? Find answers to questions about extraterrestrial visits to Earth
(SQL, Python)

Chef in window

Chef RamsayGPT

Want to have world famous chef Gordon Ramsay teach you about coding? Come try out my AI tutor! (Python)

Magnifying glass

Scooby Doo TV Ratings

Exploring IMDB ratings and audience engagement. Come hang out with the Mystery Gang!

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