Marketing/Sales Projects
Unlocking Sales Potential through Advanced Data Analysis
- A/B For E-Commerce Fashion Company
Used interactive dashboards to visualize campaign impacts, and used statistical analyses to guide marketing spend. Compared metrics like ROI, CTR and Conversion Rate. Created recommendations for company to improve marketing based on data analysis.
- Netflix Subscription Analysis
Analyzed Netflix subscription data from 2021 to 2023 to identify spikes and drops in sales across different plan types and countries, providing insights into consumer preferences and market behavior.
- Analyzing Author Popularity and Trends
Analyzed book sales data to gain insights into author popularity, ratings, and sales trends, focusing on post-2000 releases and using Stephen King as a case study.
- Cat Couch Customer Review Analysis
Conducted a sentiment analysis of cat sofa reviews using web-scraped data, highlighting trends in customer satisfaction across different colors and countries.
Machine Learning and Marketing
Bank Customer Churn Predictor
Developed multiple machine learning models to predict which bank customers are at risk of churning. Utilized classifiers like Random Forest and XGBoost to derive actionable insights for customer retention.
Curious to know more about your favourite authors? Try my interactive dashboard! (Excel)
Discover which ad campaign truly shines in boosting jewelry sales! (Python, Tableau)
Exploring Netflix subscription trends between 2021-2023. Grab some popcorn and check out my ineractive dashboard!
(SQL, Tableau)
Web scraping amazon reviews to find out how customers feel about a comfy cat couch!
(Python, Excel, Tableau, R)
Don't let them slip away! Find out how machine learning can predict customer churn (Python)
Get In Touch!
I can be reached at your convience via email. I hope to hear from you :)